Saturday, April 9, 2011

Interview Qns(.Net, SQL) Part - 3

Why do we use Stored Procedures ?
Does change in parameters affect the execution plan ?
Suppose Table name is a parameter, Does that affect the execution plan ?
What is Garbage collection ?
How does CLR know that an object is no longer in use and can be disposed ?
Suppose I create 10 objects, but uses only 3 of them , Does CLR automatically dispose the other 7 objects ?
How do u trobleshooot performance issue for a page in your ASP.NET application?
What are different Session State modes in ASP.NET ? What are advantages and disadvantages of each ? When do we chose each modes ?
I have 10 pages in my application. I need 5 pages to be available to all users. But other 5 pages should be available to users with specific previlage only. How can I achieve this ?

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