Thursday, April 7, 2011

Interview Qns(.Net, SQL) Part - 1

What is .NET framework ?
Why is CLS required ?
What is MSIL? Why is it required ?
What happens if .NET converts our code directly into machine code ?
What is the use of Global.asax file? Is it mandatory ?
What is Application and Session variables? When do we use them ?
How is Session State managed in ASP.NET ?
How do ASP.NET identify each user for his session ?
Where is Session data stored ?
What are different Session State modes in ASP.NET ? When do we use each ?
What type of data can be stored in Session ?
Why is it required that data stored in Session should be serializable ?
Is it applicable for InProc model ?
What is diff b/n Session["UserName"].ToString() and Convert.ToString(Session["UserName"])
How can I check whether Session["UserID"] can be succesfully converted to Int or not ?
What is the advantage of TryParse() ? Can u write an example of TryParse() syntax ?
What is cookies ? Where is it stored ?
What kind of data can be stored in cookies ?
Can I store a Dataset in cookie ?
Explain ASP.NET Caching mechanism in detail ?
How can I make ASP.NET to fetch new data as soon as data store has changed ?
What will be the o/p of this code

Catch(Exception Ex)

How can we eliminate the exception in the above code ?
What is auto event wireup ? What is its use ?
What is 'compilation' section in 'web.config' used for ?
What is .pdb files ? What is its use ? What information does it contain ?
What is the 'compilers' section in web.config used for ?
What are page directives ? Name some and their purpose.
How can u access and change a header section in Master page from a content page ? Which event can you use for this ?
What are custom error modes in ASP.NET ?
What is the purpose of "Remote Only" ?
Suppose the application support person sends you a detailed screen shot of the error from production, How will you troubleshoot the issue ?

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